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Mantra-Yoga Berlin


Start: Willkommen

What is Mantra-Meditation 

​Mantras are spiritual sound vibrations that have a profound purifying effect on our mind and heart. By collectively listening to and chanting the mantras in a relaxed atmosphere, we can let go of everyday stress and experience inner peace. Mantra meditation is simple and yet deep.

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Aktuelle Veranstaltungen

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Your Journey to happiness


• Beneficial for body, mind, and soul

• Mental well-being

• Clarity of thought

• Spiritual fulfillment



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Further Information

If you have an deeper interest in mantras and philosophy you could visit the following website

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Enjoy Mantras at home

1. Consciously take time out for your meditation.

2. Find a comfortable position.

Sit or lie down where you can feel free and undisturbed.

3. Focus on the mantra sounds.

4. Let the spiritual sounds calm your thoughts and open your heart.

5. Be understanding and relaxed when your thoughts wander everywhere.

Observe your thoughts without judgment and gently return to chanting the mantra.

Following you find some songs to support your mantra practice

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©2023 Mantra-Yoga Berlin.

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